When Does a Real Estate Contract Become Binding

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On dicembre 9, 2022, Posted by , With No Comments

When Does a Real Estate Contract Become Binding?

Real estate contracts are legal agreements between the buyer and seller of a property. They outline the terms and conditions of the transaction, including the purchase price, closing date, and any contingencies. Once both parties have signed the contract, it is typically considered binding. However, there are certain factors that can affect when a real estate contract becomes binding.

Let`s take a closer look at when a real estate contract becomes binding and what you need to know to ensure a successful transaction.

The Offer

The first step in the real estate contract process is making an offer. The buyer will draft an offer to purchase the property and present it to the seller. If the seller accepts the offer as written, signs it, and returns it to the buyer, the offer becomes a binding contract.

However, if the seller makes any changes or counteroffers, the original offer is no longer binding. The buyer can then accept the counteroffer or make additional changes until both parties agree on the terms.


Most real estate contracts include contingencies, which are conditions that must be met before the sale can be finalized. Common contingencies include obtaining financing, passing a home inspection, and resolving any title issues.

If any of these contingencies are not met, the contract may become null and void. For example, if the buyer cannot obtain financing or the inspection reveals major issues, the contract can be terminated.


The final step in the real estate contract process is the closing. This is where the buyer and seller sign all the necessary paperwork and transfer ownership of the property. The closing date is typically specified in the contract and can be delayed if necessary.

Once all the paperwork has been signed and the funds have been transferred, the real estate contract becomes binding. The buyer takes possession of the property, and the seller receives payment for the sale.

In summary, a real estate contract becomes binding once both parties have signed and agreed to the terms. However, there are factors such as contingencies and the closing process that can affect when the contract becomes binding. It`s important to work with a knowledgeable real estate agent and attorney to ensure a successful transaction and avoid any costly mistakes.

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